Articles tagged "democracy"
This is Trumpian Stuff
Taxpayer's funds hijacked? Is the current Tory government simply diverting the resources of the state to hold onto power?
Police and Crime Bill will Create Toxic Legacy
Banning protest would make us more like Putin’s Russia than the UK. It would be a lasting and toxic legacy for Boris Johnson.
Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021 (“PCSC Bill”) – Briefing for MPs
A chilling direction for the United Kingdom
High Court has granted a cost-Capping Order in Our Judicial Review Over the Award of Huge PPE Contracts, Without Advertisement or Competition
We will not be bullied by these costs.
Tories Want to Silence Dissent
Tory government wants to effectively ban dissent and protest with new legislation
Tory Council Accused of Suppressing Voters
Tory-run borough asking for photo ID to register for proxy or postal votes, though this is not required by law
American Style Voter Supression Laws Coming to United Kingdom
Tories to suppress vote under guise of preventing voter fraud despite it being virtually non-existent
Court has granted a cost-capping order in our judicial review over the award of huge PPE contracts, without advertisement or competition
Chumocracy, Boris Johnson, democracy, cover-up, masks, courts, UK Government, Covid-19, commissioning, medical equipment
Brexit & the Power of Unelected Aristocracy
Even now that Brexit has been implemented, the future of the UK’s relationship is not in the hands of an elected representative of the people