Simon Phipps

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OG Hipster Blogger since 2000, the time before blogging was ever cool

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

Linux, FOSS, Öffentlicher Verkehr, Eisenbahn, Radfahren, Fußgehen, Verkehrsplanung, Städtebau, Will das Schöne wieder in die Welt bringen, Nachhaltigkeit, Modellbahn, Java Entwickler (jun), Bash,

Elvis Angelaccio

Tech lover, software engineer, KDE developer.

Matt "msw" Wilson

Socio-technical Systems Engineer at #Amazon | Free and Open Source (#FOSS) Advocate | he/him/they/them | Opinions: my own

Kiril Chilingarashvili

Make Things Happen

Esther Brunner

User Interface Developer bei Zeix, queer-feministische Denkerin und Aktivistin