The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting or The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine Website:


faux @[email protected]

A wanna-be family guy.
Amongst my interest are such diverse elements as: books, history, mathematics, running, board and computer games, gardening, programming, fantasy, scifi and nice red uniforms.

Fischkoppguidster @[email protected]

Aus dem Norden und wieder zurück, kids, Kater, Kaffee

Alex Went @[email protected]

Editor, writer, web-weaver, Shakespeare fan, The Prague Vitruvius

.seaks @[email protected]

🎶Well I’m running down the road tryin’ to loosen my load I've got Coleman Francis on my mind. 🎵

I once ate at 100 different pizza joints in a year.

Mariners and Pirates baseball, music, movies, #RipCity and outdoors are my thingamabob

Jax The Cat Mum @[email protected]

Love cats, football, NFFC. Education and finding out new stuff is my thing. Teach/guide big peeps to their BAEd. Getting political in mi dotage, dislike Conservatives with a passion. #edutoot #education #cats