A robot hacker rabbit from outer space according to my youngest.
Slightly neurodivergent anarchist vegan buddhist hacker. Chaotic good.
Some important things: libertarian socialism, science fiction, retro-computing, EBM, swords, Emacs, programming, access to source code.
Please don't DM me. Use e-mail, XMPP, IRC, or Signal. See Contact.
Posts are autodeleted.
dokuja @[email protected]
Atonal being in a diatonic world
he/him they/them
Alex Schroeder @[email protected]
Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from [email protected], slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.
Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir @[email protected]
some kind of a #9front developer?
code: https://git.sr.ht/~ft
pics: @sigrid
videos: @sigrid