Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: [email protected]

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if you're seeing this, you're either impressed, interested or malding like a chimpanzee
i hate the colors brown and black, long noses and trannies
BRIGADING PIECE OF SHIT the madtype, i am prisoner 849
Treatment: Warning: Meds have no effect; Lost cause.
"когда чувак с ником Лина Инверс говорит «я ненавижу жидов и пидорасов» это вызывает у меня когнитивный диссонанс" - кто знает, тот узнает © 2022
one of the three (four?) riders of bimbix gaming
:ryukoD:certified FRIENDIES:ryukoD:: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @iamtakingiteasy @[email protected]
i am NOT a nice person, keep that in mind.
