🇪🇨🇪🇸🇳🇴Cristo :mverified: [email protected]

Open on federa.social

🏳️ Del mundo.

#OSS fan, running away from TW/FB/Google

I'm software developer (Currently as #FrontEnd engineer) and trying to start my dream job as #gamedev 🎮👨‍💻

#Norway resident, #Spain #España me adoptó, #Ecuador de origenes.

#Rust #Godot #Angular #Node #UX

Secondary: @cristomc

Opiniones personales aquí.


Juanro49 @[email protected]

🇬🇦 🏴󠁥󠁳󠁥󠁸󠁿 Monitor deportivo e intento de programador (combinación rara como yo (◕‿◕) ). Nacíu en Estremaúra #Estremeñu

Mis redes libres:

Mastodon –> @[email protected]

Pixelfed –> @[email protected]

HubZilla –> @[email protected]

Peertube –> @[email protected]