Key only login SSH FreeBSD

$YOURSECUREPORT - is random port number of your choice - avoid using default ssh port

On local

$scp -p $YOURSECUREPORT ~/.ssh/ yourserveruser@server:/usr/home/yourserveruser/.ssh/authorized_keys

Depending on your situation save to id_rsa or somewhere else, default ssh will try to use id_rsa, .pub is default for the public key.

On ssh server/host:

$sudo $EDITOR /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change the following values from the default config:

Set correct port:


Un-comment and change to yes:

PubkeyAuthentication yes
UsePAM yes

Un-comment and change to no:

PasswordAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no


AllowUsers yourserveruser

of course replace your server user with correct username Close and save /etc/ssh/sshd_config

$sudo service sshd restart

Now you will be able to login to remote host with out typing in password and with it being much more secure to your average attacker, connect with:

$ssh -p $YOURSECUREPORT yourserveruser@server

if you used a nonstandard location for your key

$ssh -i /path/to/nonstandard -p $YOURSECUREPORT yourserveruser@server