Onion Juice -Best for HairTreatment

Many people face the problem of hair loss. Even though losing 50-100 hairs per day is measured as regular, losing hair causes apprehension and mental stress in people.  

Many people face the problem of hair loss. Even though losing 50-100 hairs per day is measured as regular, losing hair causes apprehension and mental stress in people. Furthermore, sensitive hair loss can have an effect on the manifestation of a person and affects their self-assurance levels. There are many natural remedies that are competent to bring to mind proper hair growth and the most significant and effective amongst them is Onion juice.

Onion Juice is Effective for Hair:

Onions are high in sulfur content. When massaged on the scalp, onion juice helps out in improving blood circulation. In actual fact, the sulfur content in onions is recognized to get better collagen manufacture that in turn is advantageous for your hair health. Onion juice has antibacterial properties that help out in preventing infections on the scalp.

Customary application of onion juice helps to condense your hair and do away with a variety of scalp tribulations that are the cause of hair loss and hair thinning. Yeast infections, fungal infections, scalp acne, and dandruff can be treated in the long run. Additionally, onion juice suits both dry scalp and oily scalp comparable. Applying onion juice naturally promotes hair health.

How to use:

Peel, chop and blend an onion.

Put the blended pulp in a strainer. Using a spoon, force down the pulp to take out the juice.

Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey to the onion juice.

Optionally, add a few drops of essential oil, for example, lavender oil.

Massage your bald patches or else whole scalp with this mixture.

Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on overnight, or else at least for 30 minutes.

Rinse your hair the next morning.

Follow this hair loss treatment on a daily basis for a few months or until you are fulfilled with the results.

To accomplish hair growth with the help of onion juice you require extracting the juice of the onions and applying it on the scalp comprehensively. Though the juice has an overpowering smell, the remedy is highly effective in achieving the results you need. You necessitate keeping the juice on the scalp for at least 30 minutes. You can keep it for longer if you will be able to bear the smell of the juice. Rinse off the juice using water and mild shampoo. You will have to repeat this remedy at least thrice a week for at least two months to see the results. This is a natural remedy and it will take some time to give the estimated result.