
Thank you #COVID because why fix a problem when we can just something something economy !

Photo de Kenny Eliason sur Unsplash

Since Saturday I’ve been horizontal dead on my back living like a corpse on my sofa because fucking ligne 8 probably gave me what has the taste of #covid but could also be some kind of new super flu, because of course there are some of those going around too and a bunch of fuckwits willing to suck that sweet virus teet.

It’s been very rare for me to be wiped out by a virus, but jesus christ this one really fucking did it, Friday I was fine and Saturday morning was just fever haze ever since. Thankfully the absolute worst of it was on the weekend, my only free time, so it couldn’t interfere with capitalism and for the last couple days I’ve been able to work from home being in not really a fit state to go outside.

It’s still not done with me though, at least the chills have stopped and some of the more severe parts but now I’m blocked up and not sleeping very well, so I have that to contend with for a while.

It has also been super difficult to think, so I’ve not really been able to do much physically or mentally and that just makes everything worse, like at least when I was starving last year I wasn’t sick to the point I couldn’t brain.

Speaking of not braining, no idea where this post is going so um, it’s done here. Byenao