Articles tagged "Orwellian"

Open Rights Group demands Home Office transparency on end-to-end encryption

UK's Tory controlled Home Office is allegedly considering measures which treats all people as criminals by breaking encryption on messaging apps for starters.

Police and Crime Bill will Create Toxic Legacy

Banning protest would make us more like Putin’s Russia than the UK. It would be a lasting and toxic legacy for Boris Johnson.

Tories Delete the Truth on London School of Economics British Politics and Policy Website

Blog Post Deleted After Tory Government Adviser Admits Scotland can Thrive After Independence

BBC of Fear of Casting Boris Johnson in a Bad Light

This story appears to have everything – sex, betrayal, abuse of power, lies told in high places – so, on the face of, it is somewhat surprising to find it covered only grudgingly, and at the margins of the BBC’s huge range of output.

Tories Claim there were no National Shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Julia Patterson of the campaign group EveryDoctor flatly contradicted Hancock’s claim