"we are makers, not agents / we make them all"


Charles Chamberlain @[email protected]

Hi there! I'm Charles. I'm researching and thinking a lot nowadays — most interested in ways to improve learning and dynamicland-style interaction. I'll probably try to build something soon! In the past I wrote OCaml and http://birch.ink
✨ exploring ✨

Gray Crawford 🧊🌊🫧 @[email protected]

xr designer*prototyper — focused on spaces*embodiment, ml generation, expressive tools, simulated phenomena, physics art... @graycrawford on twitter

rntz @[email protected]

Michael Arntzenius irl. PL design, math, calligraphy, &c.

Devil Lu Linvega @[email protected]

It’s always night under the ultraviolet sun.

Stephen De Gabrielle @[email protected]

I’m interested in all programming languages.
#RacketLang #functionalprogramming #languageorientedprogramming #metaprogramming #lisp #scheme
London / Garramilla (Darwin) / Naarm(Melbourne), Australia

lnl @[email protected]

Likes computers, writing, reading about them and researching things.
Believes in a better world than our current can provide.
Love people because that's all we are.

sara @[email protected]

Coder. Artist. Mystery.
I make comics, weird computer things, and stories at large.

andrew blinn @[email protected]

progaming 🗨️ languages eboy and mousefeel 🖱️ epicure, working on Nintendo® 🎮 Excel™ for the 📱 vpriPhone

Axel Kramer @[email protected]

working on a sketching app to help me think. love designing and writing software. broad background: research (GMD, Xerox PARC, Asian Art Museum SF) & tech (DEC, Teradata, Microsoft) & finance companies (JPMorgan, BlueMountain Capital).