Husband and father working in cloud ☁️ operations by day and hacking on keyboards ⌨️, Raspberry Pis :raspberrypi:, *nix-like operating sysytems :freebsd: :openbsd: :debian: :linux: by night.

gemini: gemini://

Interests: #gemini #gopher #kubernetes #keyboards #cyberpunk #raspberrypi #synthwave #vaporwave #minidisc #technology #retrocomputing #retrogaming #fedi22 #selfhosting #3dprinting #smolweb #rss

Uses: #macos #debian #vim #tmux #firefox #signal #bitwarden #newsblur #fastmail #lagrange #bombadillo #qmk #mastodon #github #gitlab #aws #openbsd #freebsd #linux



Scott Leggett :fedi: :golang: @[email protected]

Free software and cloud wrangler. Security Engineer at

David Buck @[email protected]

Writer/musician in Colorado

bbbhltz @[email protected]

"Pretty soon, the hippies of today will be the squares of tomorrow." —Buck 65

Professor who listens to music and likes somewhat geeky things | Fan de musique et prof de grandes écoles qui aime les trucs un peu geeky

#foss #rouen
#novascotia #openstreetmap

Dušan 🇷🇸⚛️ @[email protected]

Hi there! I'm a software developer from Belgrade, Serbia, mainly dealing with distributed systems. An all-round nerd, minimalist and a tinkerer. I sometimes engage in political commentary. My opinions are my own.
 Besides computing, I'm interested in philosophy of religion, politics, psychology, biology, poetry and literature.

Jesse Spielman @[email protected]

Recovering VFX artist, Computer Science PhD Researcher, New Yorker living in the UK, Bagel Fanatic. he/him; #blm

Sentient Muppet @[email protected]

Tinker Baker Solder Guy

Luc :broken_camera: @[email protected]

I’m pretty sure I am. Who or what, though, is an open matter.

Mostly posting in English, mais vous n’êtes pas à l’abri que je vous écrive en français. On n’est jamais à l’abri de rien, d’ailleurs.

Interested in #tech: networks, #software development, #InfoSec. I love random numbers, patterns and Pi. My first computer was a #ZX81.

Also fond of #FountainPens, #reading and #writing, among other things. Plus I happen to like people, so please say hello!

Sometimes I wonder: where is #JessicaHyde?

bbbhltz @[email protected]

Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things

also in French here: @bbbhltz

"pretty soon, the hippies of today will be the squares of tomorrow" --- Buck 65

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab @[email protected]

Trying to break things that need breaking, deliberately and after much reflection, make things in a likewise manner, and generally reshape the various worlds I inhabit to be slightly more habitable.

I'm into music, retrocomputing, people, caring, and thinking about stuff.

I dislike capitalism, cryptocurrency, terfs, nazis, fascists, racists, & edgelords.

Been around a while.

Accidental maintainer of brutaldon.

Feel free to ask questions. I will not always answer.

jns @[email protected]

The fixer (he/him), sometimes the broken, sometimes the breaker. Read my gopherhole for the rest - I can only fit so many keystrokes here, or, you know,... pull my finger.

My finger daemon holds many secrets. You definitively should try and find them all.

Math.🏋️✍️ ⚓️ 🚲 @[email protected]

***DE:*** Gestartet im Mittelalter in #Quedlinburg und gestrandet bei den Römern in #Trier.

***EN:*** Started in the Middle Ages in #Quedlinburg, stranded with the Romans in #Trier.

speaks 🇩🇪 🇬🇧

BookWyrm: @[email protected]
Alter Ego: @philfiller

Photo Header by

#nobot #crossfit #fountainpen #schifffahrt #fahrradbubble #SciFi #brettspiele #videogames #diy #OpenSource