To infinity and beyond!


Hammi DECT:4264 @[email protected]

F 25, she/her, Tram Enthusiast, Tram Museum Workshop, CCC, Computer, Electronics, Electromechanics, History, BTX, Flipdot & Splitflap Displays, IBIS stuff, When im not under the Tram im driving it. collecting old Apple Hardware

​Piko @[email protected]

Ithea Piko Nwawa
DECT 7456
CCChor, Haecksen, Arch Linux
Bringt allen den Leuten Python bei, die es sich nicht selbst beibringen. Bringt manchen Menschen singen bei.
(Profilbild von @kascha)

Stefan May @[email protected]

software developer at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, be aware I'm an engineer and not a physicist (er/ihm)