Fynn mit bester Laune ins Wintersemester! [email protected]

Open on cuties.social

herzlich Willkommen im Sommersemster 2023, und im Speziellen zur Theoretischen Informatik. Schön, dass es endlich wieder losgeht!



moanos alt @[email protected]

Alt/Dark account of @moanos:chaos.social. Very queer. Feel free to send follow request but I'll most likely will not accept it unless we follow each other. DMs from everyone welcome

Kumi @[email protected]

Switched over to GoToSocial. My pronouns are they/them and I love sloths so much that I have one on my head right now. I do all sorts of computery stuff in exchange for money, coffee or love. Non-cishet leftist scum.

Matrix: @kumitterer:kumi.lgbt