A hobby programmer.


Jos Schuurmans (EN) @[email protected]

I help professionals and teams tell their best stories - with purpose and passion. #nobot #notroll

@josschuurmans (EN)
@josschuurmans (FI)
@josschuurmans (NL)

Telmina @[email protected]

甘党眼鏡男子。立憲パートナーズ。IT技術者。Fediverse歴3年半。RPGツクラー歴5年。恋人募集中(切実)。脱原発。反新自由主義。憲法改悪もマイナンバーも大反対。嫌FB。嫌TV。秋葉原在住の非アキバ系。 ※ 当アカウントは試験運用中です。

Pete @[email protected]

Giving #Calckey a try. @[email protected] still my main.

Canadian, poor excuse of a
#gaymer 🏳️‍🌈, #genx, now living in South East London, married to @[email protected]

Pete 🏳️‍🌈 @[email protected]

Canadian, poor excuse of a #gaymer 🏳️‍🌈, now living in South East London, married to

Daniel @[email protected]

About Me

I am the admin for the Hey Plume instance. I am also the #podmin for nota.404.mn diaspora* pod.

Need something?

Find me on Matrix: #daniel:dou.bet

Zack @[email protected]

Developer in Greenville, South Carolina. I'm into video games, comics, and board games.

mardijker @[email protected]

likes the concept of open source and self hosting!

Laurensius Jeffrey @[email protected]

Hi! I'm admin of Socialize.cyou and that's it.

More About Me:
I'm a Trader, Investor, Polyglot, Environmentalist, and Human Right Activist.