vx. redgrave, maid of mind [email protected]

Open on vulpine.club

frizzy nerd & creature of the matrix, figuring out embodied reality | synthetic magical foxgirl, she/her :transistor: | first boot in 1990

warning: this is rapidly evolving research software

gnu natalie nguyen, sophia butler, and all our other siblings, who we've perhaps never met and now won't ever πŸ•―οΈ

avatar by @drawcat


Voltaic Bitch @[email protected]

Pan enby IT/gaming nerd. Former(?) Speedrunner. "Kusoge" appreciator and retro game historian. Fox/Jolteon on the internet. Python coder. Site Reliability Witch. Antifash, anticapitalist, anti-big-tech despite/because of their profession. Over 21 and has been for awhile. Mx | they/them.

I'll rarely kink/lewd post with specific CWs. I tag misinformation in top-level posts. I aim to be genuine in what I write without outward-facing sarcasm or innuendo. Feel free to interact however you wish; if you know my flirty buttons feel free to push them.

If we're not mutuals please don't boost my posts unless I ask. If you're pushing bigotry, cryptocurrency/NFT BS, science denial, or an ideology of hate I will unhesitatingly place you in the trash can.

Contact info: voidfox.com/contact

meowy catgirl @[email protected]

nyaaa~ | it/its | 25 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok | πŸ”ž

blackle mori @[email protected]

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its