0hlov3:apple::endeavouros_logo: [email protected]
#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)
Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.
I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.
Matrix: @0hlov3:fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3
MainAccountOf: @0hlov3
#nobot #fedi22
Feel free to follow request.
Elliot Alderson :verified: @[email protected]
That one tech savy guy who use Arch :archlinux: BTW! And boot Kali live :kali_linux: for some Mr Robot stuff!
Privacy and Security
Advocate :t_blink:
Fredrik slightly @[email protected]
Interesse for esport, Linux og Kubernetes
⛳ rebel @[email protected]
Zwillingsvater, Hausmeister und Typ der einen eigenen Golfplatz hat. Eigentlich hat ihn der Ort aber ich habe ihn erschaffen für alle und JederFrau.
Julian Starke | starke.icu @[email protected]
Mädchenpapa, Ehemann & Hundevater; links-grüner Haupstädter; Podcaster; ITler im Landeskontext auf der Suche nach Innovation; Geograph aus Leidenschaft; New-Work-Beschleuniger; führerscheinloser Läufer, Wanderer & Radfahrer (langzeitverletzt und deshalb die Konserven nutzend: Öffis und Gym)
Leonie :vf: @[email protected]
I own this instance and I think that's kinda cool :)
Montazzare @[email protected]
North Africain 🇹🇳
Software engineer 👾
Spreading unpopular opinions all around ☄️⭐️
QuyetPawz @[email protected]
Disabled polyam queer non-binary neurodiverse femme, geek living in Ottawa. Service dog handler. Retired CanFURence Co-Chair. They/She
Rhea @[email protected]
Book loving, numbers crunching member of society. Based in #Frankfurt raised in #Stuttgart and #Stirling
mel @[email protected]
trans she/her
i am the only brazillian on the whole fediverse
ordfRobert @[email protected]
Far, Ordförande, maker, grundare av gjutjärnsvänstern.
Knegar med kids och lär dem powerbuilding.
let name: &str = "Bryn"; :term_cursor: @[email protected]
I'm a 25-year-old trans girl in PGH who used to tell people to reboot their security cameras for a living. I'm taking a break from work before joining a freelance co-op with my partner. In my spare time, I write about #foss, #polyamory, and #LGBTQ issues. Boosts are appreciated (but are lower priority than mutual aid requests, ofc)! My DMs are open too if you wanna say hi. 😘
Trying to learn Rust, not doing too poorly at it, but I haven't fully made anything yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
See my pinned post for a disclaimer on NSFW content!
Stefan 'stelb' Le Breton @[email protected]
try stuff, break stuff, fix stuff.
mostly DBA, but doing a lot more, Linux, docker, kubernetes, virtualization, storage, network.